15 research outputs found

    The Context Of Knowledge In Organizations From Resource Based Theory To Knowledge Based Theory: A Conceptual Review

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    Abstract Nowadays, organizations in order to increase their competitive advantages, they put more focus on managing the intangible assets rather than the tangible assets including the intellectual capital. Since the value of intellectual capital is resided in the talented human capital, therefore the talent management is commonly used for human resource management. The root of talent management is came from the Resource Based Theory (RBT) that treats the human capital as static assets that only need to be attracted, developed, updated, deployed and retained. In contrast, this paper appreciates the talent as an individual tacit knowledge that more than the said above, it can be created, captured and transferred, which is aligned with the Knowledge Based Theory (KBT). Keywords: Human Resource Management, Human Capital, Knowledge Capital, Talent Management, Knowledge Management   Abstrak Dewasa ini, dalam rangka meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitif organisasi-organisasi bisnis lebih menempatkan perhatian mereka pada pengelolaan aset tidak berwujud daripada aset berwujud, termasuk di dalamnya modal intelektual. Karena nilai modal intelektual terletak pada modal manusia bertalenta, maka talent management digunakan dalam manajemen sumberdaya manusia.  Talent management berakar pada Resource Based Theory (RBT) yang memperlakukan sumberdaya manusia sebagai aset statis yang hanya perlu untuk ditarik, dikembangkan, diperbarui, digunakan, dan dipertahankan.  Sebaliknya, tulisan ini mengapresiasi talenta sebagai pengetahuan tacit individu lebih daripada sebagaimana disebut diatas, bahwa pengetahuan tacit individu dapat diciptakan, dapat ditangkap dari tempat lain, dan dapat ditransfer ke tempat lain, yang mana hal ini selaras dengan Knowledge Based Theory (KBT) Kata kunci: Manajemen Sumberdaya Manusia, Modal Manusia, Modal Pengetahuan, Manajemen Talenta, Manajemen Pengetahua


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    Abstrak—Manajemen pengetahuan khususnya berbagipengetahuan juga sudah dikembangkan ke domain perguruantinggi. Sangat disadari bahwa berbagi pengetahuan berpengaruhterhadap kolaborasi pendidikan dan penelitian di perguruantinggi, sehingga dilakukan penelitian tentang pengaruh faktorfaktoryang menjadi anteseden terhadap perilaku berbagipengetahuan di kalangan mahasiswa. Dalam penelitian inikerangka berpikir dikonstruksikan ke dalam suatu modelpenelitian yang diadopsi dari model Theory of PlannedBehaviors. Data primer diperoleh melalui kuesioner denganresponden 150 orang yang diambil menggunakan teknik simplerandom sampling. Olah data dilakukan menggunakan teknikStructural Equation Modeling berbasis covarian denganperangkat lunak AMOS. Hasil menunjukkan perilaku untukberbagi pengetahuan sebagai variabel dependen dipengaruhioleh variabel independen yaitu variabel sikap individu, budayaorganisasi, penghargaan dan niat untuk berbagi pengetahuandengan R2 sebesar 0.697. Kajian terhadap indikator-indikatordaripada variabel yang diuji menunjukkan peranan teknologiinformasi sangat besar dalam menopang perilaku berbagipengetahuan.Kata Kunci— Manajemen Pengetahuan, Berbagi Pengetahuan,Theory of Planned Behavior.Abstract— Knowledge Management especially knowledgesharing has been already extended to higher education domain.It is realized that knowledge sharing influence towards educationand research collaboration in higher education, therefore thisresearch examined the influences of knowledge sharing behaviorantecedents among the students. This research framework isconstructed into a research model adopted from The Theory ofPlanned Behavior. Primary data obtained throughquestionnaires from 150 respondents those were taken usingsimple random sampling technique. Data analysis wasconducted using AMOS software, the covariance-basedtechnique of Structural Equation Modeling. The results showthat knowledge sharing behavior is influenced by individualattitude, organizational culture, rewards, and intention toknowledge sharing with R2 of 0.697. The indicators of testedvariables in this study show a very large role of informationtechnology in supporting knowledge sharing behavior.Key Words— Knowledge Management, Knowledge Sharing,Theory of Planned Behavior


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    Density-based clustering is usually more effective when processing data of different densities. This method is pioneered by the Density-based Applied Noise Spatial Clustering (DBSCAN) algorithm. There is a significant difference in behavior between k-Means and DBSCAN, which is processing data that contains noise. To this end, this research studies the impact of dimensionality reduction on high-dimensional data on the clustering results of the k-Means algorithm represented by the centroid method and the clustering results of the DBSCAN algorithm represented by the density method. Although the quality of the clustering results on k-Means has been improved after the numerical reduction by Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), from the initial average distance of 1.04136 to 0.003, the statistical change is not significant or considered to be the same. Therefore, it can be concluded statistically that SVD has no effect on the quality of k-Means clustering results. On the other hand, in DBSCAN, the effect of SVD dimensionality reduction is very significant. It can change the quality of the clustering results from the initial average intra-cluster distance of 76.13480 to 13.71130 or improve the quality by 555.27%. The significant impact of SVD on SVD + k-Means optimization and SVD + DBSCAN optimization cluster calculation time changes is also shown. SVD optimization can accelerate k-Means calculation time from 3.68182 seconds to 2,09091 seconds or 1.76 times. At the same time, SVD optimization accelerates the DBSCAN calculation time from 19.40000 seconds to 0.97500 seconds or 19.89 times


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    Abstract Cellular Telecommunications Operator companies are now increasingly compete in creating new innovations for improving competitive advantage. Competition is changing the paradigm of the resource base of competitiveness into a knowledge base of competitiveness. Companies are increasingly aware of the importance of knowledge as a means to win the competition. The organizational knowledge comes from the knowledge possessed by the employees, therefore the company needs to foster a culture of knowledge sharing. This situation has created the need for PT. Telkomsel Regional Sumbagsel to manage its knowledge assets. This effort can be achieved using Knowledge Management strategy. This study aims to find the features needed to build Knowledge Management Systems in order to foster a culture of knowledge sharing in the company. Researchers test the features required to grow the user behavior of knowledge sharing based on the Theory of Planned Behavior. It is predicted with high accuracy of attitude toward knowledge sharing behavior, subjective norms, and behavior control. Development of this system using the Framework for the Application of Systems Thinking (FAST). This system is tested and able to facilitate knowledge sharing among employees in order to improve learning skills and learning capability. Keywords: Knowledge Management , Knowledge Management System, Knowledge Sharing, Theory of Planned Behavior   Abstrak Perusahaan Operator Telekomunikasi Seluler sekarang ini semakin bersaing dalam menciptakan inovasi baru demi meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitif. Persaingan ini mengubah paradigma dari resource base competitiveness menjadi knowledge base competitiveness. Perusahaan semakin menyadari pentingnya pengetahuan sebagai sarana untuk memenangkan persaingan. Pengetahuan organisasi berasal dari pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh karyawan untuk itu perusahaan perlu menumbuhkan budaya knowledge sharing. Kondisi ini telah menciptakan kebutuhan bagi PT. Telkomsel Regional Sumbagsel untuk mengelola aset pengetahuan yang dimilikinya. Upaya ini dapat dicapai dengan menggunakan strategi Knowledge Management. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan fitur-fitur yang diperlukan dalam membangun Knowledge Management Systems sehingga dapat menumbuhkan budaya knowledge sharing pada perusahaan. Peneliti menguji fitur-fitur yang diperlukan user untuk menumbuhkan perilaku knowledge sharing berdasarkan Theory of Planned Behavior. Hal ini diprediksi dengan akurasi yang tinggi dari sikap terhadap perilaku knowledge sharing, norma subyektif, dan kontrol perilaku. Pembangunan sistem ini menggunakan metode Framework for the Application of System Thinking (FAST). Sistem ini telah diujikan dan mampu memfasilitasi kegiatan knowledge sharing antar pegawai sehingga dapat meningkatkan learning skill dan learning capability. Kata kunci: Knowledge Management , Knowledge Management System, Knowledge Sharing, Theory of Planned Behavio


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      Penyebaran yang cukup luas dan cepat, membuat pandemi Covid-19 di Sumatera Selatan berdampak negatif pada semua sektor seperti kesehatan, pekerjaan dan perekonomian. Dengan kebijakan pemerintah yang mengelompokkan wilayah penanganan Covid-19 menjadi 4 zona, perlu dievaluasi apakah pengelompokkan wilayah tersebut sudah tepat menggunakan teknik clustering data mining dengan algoritma K-Means dan K-Medoids. Dari hasil pengujian algoritma K-Means memberikan nilai DBI terbaik adalah 0.078 pada K=2. Sedangkan algoritma K-Medoids memberikan nilai DBI terbaik adalah 0.250 pada K=3. Sehingga kesimpulan yang didapatkan, pembagian wilayah penanganan Covid-19 di provinsi Sumatera Selatan dibagi menjadi 2 cluster (yaitu Kota Palembang dan Luar Kota Palembang) atau menjadi 3 cluster (yaitu Kota Palembang, dekat dengan Kota Palembang dan jauh dari Kota Palembang).   Kata kunci: Covid-19, K-Means, K-Medoids, Clustering, DB

    Kajian Nilai MAE Berdasarkan Hasil Ekstraksi Ciri Invarian Momen

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    Penentuan metode ekstraksi ciri yang akurat dapat diukur berdasarkan nilai mean absolute error (MAE). Semakin kecil nilai MAE yang diperoleh dari suatu metode ekstraksi ciri berarti menunjukan metode ekstraksi ciri tersebut semakin akurat (optimal). Penelitian ini menggunakan tiga metode ekstraksi ciri, yaitu: geometrical moment invariants (GMI), united moment invariants (UMI) dan Zernike moment invariants (ZMI) untuk mengekstraksi ciri dari citra kata tulisan tangan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa metode GMI memberikan nilai galat terendah atau menghasilkan ciri citra tulisan tangan terbaik

    Risk Management Evaluation in Hospital Management Information Systems Using Framework COBIT 2019 - Case Study: Ernaldi Bahar South Sumatera Hospital

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    Hospital Management Information System (SIMRS) is a system to assist service performance, reporting and data retrieval at hospitals that have been required by the government to be implemented in all hospitals in Indonesia. The existence of SIMRS is certainly an inseparable part of the service process and hospital data management, but it can also cause various IT risks to arise. Therefore, a good risk management is needed to minimize any possible IT risks that have not or have occurred. The performance of an IT risk management can be indicated from its capability levels. This study aims to determine how high the capability levels and the gap value from each process of the IT risk management at Ernaldi Bahar Hospital. The framework used as a reference in the assessment of the risk management process is COBIT 2019 which has 3 stages, namely the mapping process, capability level assessment, and conclusions. This study resulted in the value of capabilities in each process in IT risk management, the gap value, and recommendations for improvement that can be applied to SIMRS Ernaldi Bahar. The results of the measurement of the IT risk management capability of SIMRS Ernaldi Bahar in the EDM03 and DSS03 processes are at level 3, while the APO12 and DSS05 processes are at level 1. The gap values for the EDM03 and DSS03 processes is 1 level, while the gap values for the APO12 and DSS05 processes are 3 levels. Process improvement recommendations refer to COBIT 2019 best practices

    Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Digital dan Video Animasi Untuk Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di Panti Asuhan Siti Aisyah Palembang

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    Abstrak—Kegiatan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat (PPM) ini adalah perwujudan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi dalam bentuk keikutsertaan akademisi dalam pengembangan kompetensi sumber daya manusia Indonesia, khususnya generasi muda. Bahwa kenyataan di masyarakat masih ada kelompok generasi muda yang berada dalam kondisi marginal, yaitu anak-anak di panti asuhan. Tujuan kegiatan PPM ini adalah ikut serta melakukan upaya pengembangan sumber daya manusia generasi muda melalui jalur informal, yaitu melatih para anak asuh dan pengelola / pembimbing panti asuhan untuk dapat memanfaatkan teknologi informasi sebagai alat bantu belajar secara mandiri. Pada kegiatan ini pembelajaran mandiri yang dimaksud, digunakan untuk belajar bahasa Inggris. Tahapan kegiatan pengabdian ini antara lain: penyiapan aplikasi-aplikasi sederhana yang dapat dioperasikan pada perangkat HP dan/atau computer; penyiapan prosedur kerja aplikasi (manual book); dan pelatihan penggunaan aplikasi pada pengguna. Sehingga diharapkan para pengguna akan dapat memiliki aplikasi sederhana beserta petunjuk kerjanya serta terampil dalam menggunakannya dalam proses pembelajaran mandiri

    Enhancing customer relationship process in Southern Sumatra district office of P.T. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. through integration of multiple communication services

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    Telecommunication companies nowadays are facing the great market drivers, whereby service processes need to execute faster and dynamics. This condition has create pressure to extend the value, size and quality service of the customer-based. One of the challenges in developing the customer relationship is customer satisfaction. To meet the rapid changes of customer demands, companies of customer-based such as Telecommunication Company should have a flexible service system through restructure their potential to gain their profitability. This effort can be achieved using information system applications. It starts with a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategy, which must involved the using of integrated information systems. The purpose of the project is to identify how a strategic information system can be implemented to provide maximum services to the customers. Therefore, this project has come out with a system known as “Customers Service Centre through Multiple Communication Services (WWW, Email, WAP, and SMS)”. This system allows the customers to choose their own appropriate channel to interact with the organization. The project was conducted by used the object-oriented methodology, and was limited to turned out with integration model of system requirements, UML system models, and a prototype system. This project looked forward to produce a system encompasses the process of interaction with the customer, in term of efficiency, effectiveness, on-line, real-time, and inter-department work network


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    Penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh anteseden daripada Perilaku Berbagi Pengetahuan yang diyakini dapat menjadi salah satu strategi organisasi dalam mempertahankan keunggulan kompetitif yang dimiliki, khususnya di lingkungan organisasi perguruan tinggi. Keunggulan kompetitif organisasi dapat dibentuk dengan mendayagunakan sumber daya internal yang dimiliki, yaitu modal manusia, dengan membentuk pengetahuan organisasi yang unik dan tidak dapat ditiru melalui kegiatan berbagi pengetahuan. Digunakan metoda penelitian kuantitatif dimana sebaran sampel uji dengan taraf kepercayaan 95%, dan pengumpulan datanya menggunakan kuesioner. Sampel dipilih secara acak berjumlah 83 orang dipilih dari dosen dan tenaga kependidikan di lingkungan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Sriwijaya Palembang. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan teknik Structural Equation Modeling dengan bantuan aplikasi SmartPLS, menunjukkan bahwa hipotesa Perilaku Berbagi Pengetahuan berpengaruh terhadap Keunggulan Kompetitif, hipotesa bahwa Niat dan Sikap Individu, Kepemimpinan, dan Penghargaan berpengaruh terhadap Perilaku Berbagi Pengetahuan juga diterima, namun hipotesa Budaya Organisasi berpengaruh terhadap Perilaku Berbagi Pengetahuan ditolak. This research examines the influences of the antecedents of the knowledge-sharing behavior which is believed to be one of the organization's strategies to sustaining their competitive advantages, especially in the higher education organization. The competitive advantage can be established by empowering internal resources owned by the organization, i.e. human capital, with establishment of organizational knowledge that are unique and inimitable through sharing knowledge activities. Quantitative research method is used, where the sample distribution planned with 95% level of confidence, and data collected using quesioners. Samples selected randomly totaled 83 people from lecturers and staffs of the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Sriwijaya, Palembang. The data analyses were conducted using Structural Equation Modeling techniques by the SmartPLS application, which shown the hypothesis that the Knowledge Sharing Behavior influence toward Competitive Advantage is accepted, the hypothesis that the Individual Intention and Attitude, Leadership, and Reward, influence toward Knowledge Sharing Behavior are also accepted, but the hypothesis of Organizational Culture influence toward Knowledge Sharing Behavior is rejected